Career in Linguistics

Career in Linguistics

                            Related PostsCareer in EducationCareer in LawCareer in Business AdministrationCareer in Pharmacy, Career in Human PhysiologyCareer in English LanguageCareer in ChemistryCareers

Can human society ever be sustained and developed in the absence of language? The answer is an obvious NO. Show me a person that does not use language orally, graphically, or symbolically and I will show you a dead person. But even the dead communicate.

Career In History

Career In History (Contribution: Shina Terseer)

Building a career in history is a disturbing thought that most students, parents and guardians very often refuse to allow their minds dwell long on. To many, the mention of history as a course of study induces frown and/or other forms of annoying body expressions. The reason is not far-fetched, to some of them; history is not a visibly lucrative course. The truth however is that very many people know little or nothing about the course. For instance,

Career in English Language

Career in English Language  (Contribution: Dare Adeyemo)

The prestige and influence of English language in Nigeria and the world at large cannot be over-emphasized. Facts and figures bear eloquent testimonies to this. Besides the fact that English is the official language in Nigeria, it is the richest in vocabulary compared to French and German. Three quarters of the world’s main telex are in English, half of the world’s scientific and technical periodicals are in the language. In addition, eighty percent of the information stored in the computer is in English, and nearly all business details

Career in Chemistry

Career in Chemistry        (Contribution: Comfort Effiong)                   Careers

What do you find around that is not chemistry? Obviously nothing! Hence, chemistry has come to be acclaimed the mother of all the sciences.

The knowledge of chemistry is applied in making virtually everything around us. These include

Financial Consideration Versus Making The Right Career Choice

Financial consideration in making a career choice

                                                   6 Points to consider before making a career choice

Should money be your motivating factor in choosing a career? Well, different people will answer this question in different ways. You may choose to confirm this by carrying out opinion pool. You will be amazed at the varying types of responses you will get both for and against.

But, I dare say money and job satisfaction are not synonymous.

It is true that money is very important, but it is not and should not be the only factor to consider when choosing a career. There are many lucrative and well-paying jobs out there, but they are not necessarily satisfying or fulfilling.

I am not unaware of the desire for job security, pressures from the society and the need to survive the harsh economic condition, which often make us spend our time pursuing a career we do not truly love; but, I strongly believe being happy doing what we are passionate about is far more important than anything else. Of a truth therein lies the secret of personal fulfillment.

In making a fulfilling career choice, it is good to make as much inquiry as possible about the career and the prospects it has, but much more important to match the prospect with our interest, talent and special ability.

If you choose careers that best suit your talents and ability, you will find your job fast becoming a fun, while money naturally comes as a reward for your expertise. The reverse most times will be the case for those who pick their careers sorely for financial gain. They sure will find no job satisfaction, and it may be difficult if not impossible to acquire expertise in a career you do not truly love.

Having said this however, earnings may among other things be considered before picking up a job. The idea does not in any way suggest and should not be misunderstood to mean that money should not be considered at all. There is a balance between the two extreme.

Image Credit: Daily Finance
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Money and Career Choice: 5 questions you must ask
Career choice: what's right for you?

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  1. Understand Yourself:
The fact that you are different and uniquely special is not in doubt; that is the reason you should know yourself well before you make any career choice, as what is good for your friend or anybody for that matter, may not necessarily be good for you.....

Reports on Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

The following have been documented about examination malpractices in Nigeria.

  1. Analysis of  the result of the University Matriculation Examination (UME), conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) for 2007 reveals the following:
Number of candidates involved in examination malpractice was fifteen thousand seven hundred and sixty three (15,763) candidates. Forms of malpractices

Meaning of Examination Malpractice


Examination malpractice is any deliberate act aimed at placing a candidate or a group of candidates at an unfair advantage contrary to official examination rules. It is any form of
illegal or unauthourized assistance given to a student or a group of students, before, during or after an examination. It is “an action or inaction by students, teachers, school heads, examination invigilators/supervisors and officials of examination bodies that lead to a


How to become or qualify as a Lawyer in Nigeria

To become a lawyer, you must have met the following basic requirements:

Prospects in the Legal Profession

Prospects in the Legal Profession (Contribution: Barr. Abah S. F)

Having said much about career in law, law in Nigeria and qualities expected of good lawyers, the question now is “wetin lawyers dey do sef” i.e. what do you do as a lawyer? There is no way even by the widest stretch of imagination anyone can compress the lawyer’s work into an enclave or



Without going into the nitty-gritty of jurisprudence or the various classifications of law, it suffices for the purpose

Career in Law

Career in Law (Contribution: Bar. Abah S.F)

You probably would have heard “all lawyers are liars”. How true is this statement? Is it anything to go by? What is career in Law all about? Who are Lawyers and what do they do? Follow on as we

Curbing the Menace of Examination Malpractice

Curbing the Menace of Examination Malpractice

Winning the fight against examination malpractice begins with effective tackling of the causes. There has been much emphasis of late on winning the war over corruption, but the most important step to it is victory over examination malpractice. Teachers, parents, students, governments, examination bodies and indeed.............

Causes and Effects of Examination Malpractice

Causes and Effects of Examination Malpractices

Many factors contribute to this menace. They can be grouped under the following headings:

1.      Students’ Factors: First on the list here is laziness and inadequate preparation for examination. This confirms the saying, “he who fails to prepare, prepares to fail”, and since many who failed in preparation are bent on passing at all cost; cheating becomes their only option. Another factor contributing to examination malpractice in relation to students is crave for paper qualifications without the willingness to acquire  relevant knowledge and skills.

Purpose Driven Living

Purpose Driven Living

Without purpose, success will ever remain a dream. Without a clearly defined purpose for any endeavor including a chosen career, defeat may be inevitable.
A life that has no purpose is a life that has no direction and a life without direction is worse than meaningless as it is destined for disaster. No purpose, no living!



Making the right choice of career has been identified as one of the most important decisions in life. This is so because, decision they say determines destiny; this is even more true as far as career choice is concerned. The career you choose now may dictate where you will spend the rest of your live. It may go a long way in determining your future happiness


Why is it that most multinational companies, well organized businesses owners and industries generally do well in their various enterprises? The secret is in business administration.

Business Administration, which is one of the social science courses like accounting, marketing, banking and finance, etc, could also be grouped under the management sciences. It is viewed as the life-wire of any organization as it deals with the interrelationship between human beings, accounting for the managerial oversight of business which to a very large extent determines success or failure in business enterprise.

Profitable Time Management: 7 things that could make you a time-waster

Profitable Time Management: 7 Things that could make you a 'time-waster'

Most failures in life and career are time-wasters. Time, a simple four letter word, is as important as life, another four letter word. Waste your time then and you would have succeeded in wasting your life. Time is freely and equally given to all but utilized in different ways; some profitably, others contrariwise. The big question is: how do you spend your time?


Importance of Personal Relationship 

"The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships."
Anthony Robbins
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
Anais Nin

To become the achiever you dream about, it is important to examine who your closest associates are . We need around us people who can inspire us to achieve our dreams. This idea is perfectly captured by Sonya Carson. “You become like the people you spend your time with.


Education and Training of Pharmacists

Pharmacists must earn a minimum of a bachelor of pharmacy (B. Pharm.) degree from accredited schools or faculties of pharmacy. The bachelor’s degree is however fast becoming replaced with a new degree known as the Pharm. D degree (doctor of pharmacy) which already is the minimum acceptable in many parts of the world,

Why career in Pharmacy?

Career in Pharmacy

Why career in Pharmacy?

Pharmacy is a noble profession and one of the

fastest growing areas of health care. A career 

in pharmacy prepares


You probably do not know much about the profession of pharmacy or the person of the pharmacist. To some the pharmacist is no other person than “the chemist man”, while not a few call him the “drug seller”. Very many people cannot differentiate between the pharmacist and the physician

Career in Physiology

Becoming a Purpose Driven Achiever

Physiology simply put is “the study of function”. It is one course very important to the study of life and remains a common language of all life sciences; whether in the medical, biological, pharmaceutical or agricultural sciences.

Federal Government of Nigeria Assists Women to start Their own Businesses Through THE YOU WIN Programme

Are you a woman 45 years old or less?

Are you interested in starting your own business? 

Then YouWin offer by the Federal Government may be your opportunity to secure your needed capital. Find out how here

Hurry now so you can beat the deadline.

What is YouWin?

How to apply

Application / Quota Scheme / Study in Norway SIU

Application / Quota Scheme / Study in Norway SIU


Training to Become an Educationist in Nigeria

Related Posts: Career in EducationChallenges of the teaching professionWorks of the Educationists

There are many institutions in Nigeria that offer educational courses. These include: Colleges of Education, National Teachers’ Institute, Polytechnics and Universities. Universities and Polytechnics

Challenges of the Teaching Profession in Nigeria

Challenges of the Education Profession in Nigeria

Teachers at all levels in Nigeria are yet to take their rightful position. This perhaps explains the popular slogan, “Teachers’ reward is in heaven”, meaning, they are not being well remunerated or respected for their painstaking efforts and services. Their take home pay is below standards the world over, while there is gross under funding

What is the work of Educationists?

Works of Educationists

In continuation of our talk on Career in Education, we shall be looking at what educationists do. We saw in our immediate last post what the teaching career is about (should you take education as a career?).

Career in education as we noted, is both noble and rewarding. It encompasses the act and practice of imparting knowledge and skills with the intention of inducing

Career in Education


A survey recently carried out in a school confirmed that not many school children would love to grow up to become a teacher. The reasons are not far-fetched, “teachers are not respected”, “teachers are not well paid”, and so many of the likes about teachers’ predicaments in this country. One only wonders that even children are very much aware that teachers are yet to take their rightful place in this country. This is true and there is no denying the fact, but let us for a moment look away from the problems and find out what career in education is all about.

Success Giants Network

Success Giants Network

- Synergy

- Support/Motivation

- Impact

                                      IDEAS RULE THE WORLD........ See details here

Positive Mindedness, Principle Centredness and Possibility Mentality

This is a continuation of our discourse on the '7Ps' of purpose driven living. In one of our previous posts (Becoming a Purpose Driven Achiever), we saw the first P as 'Purpose Driven'. Follow on as we take a look at the other Ps. Welcome on board.

According to Bill Newman, “The positive mind has extra problem solving power”

Dogged Determination: Lessons from Thomas Edison

Dogged Determination: Lessons from the life of Thomas Edison

Growing is a matter of time, once you are determined

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”

Determination is one indispensable key to success.
Edison had a very high dose of it. Nothing short of this can adequately explain the secret behind his numerous achievements, in spite of the prevailing circumstances. A man of resolute determination knows no impossibility. Edison’s life bears eloquent testimony to this.




Life is full of challenges. No matter who you are, you sure will have your fair share. Edison was not spared either


Challenges in the life of Thomas Edison

We have seen Thomas Edison as the father of invention. The question is: did he face any challenge? We probably would expect this great man had a smooth ride through life - a kind of exempted from major life challenges. The simple truth is, he had lots of challenges, may be catalogues of them. The good news, however, is he rose above them all to become the Edison worth reading or talking about today.

The incidence of his 'great plant' that was razed down by fire is one major challenge in the life of Edison worth mentioning. History tells us that on a particular night in December, 1914, Thomas Edison's plant caught fire. The outrageous fire reportedly burnt off virtually everything in the plant. Attempts at putting it out by fire fighters from eight surrounding towns failed to yield the desired result. Edison's attitude and response to this incidence is perhaps the most interesting part of the story.

On arrival at the scene, Edison was said to have sent words to several friends and members of his family, advising them to “get down here quick ... you may never have another chance to see anything like this again”. The following morning before it was day break and while the fire was still on, he was said to have called his employees together and told them “we are rebuilding". Speaking further, Edison maintained “we can make capital out of disaster".

Edison seems to have this attitude of always looking at the brighter side of every situation. He just wouldn't allow any circumstance to deter him from achieving his goals. His responses and attitude in times of difficulty lend credence to this position. For instance, Edison did not have formal education, but that did not stop him from making history as one of the greatest inventors. History says he had partial deafness, but that wasn't an issue to him. He had several fruitless experiments, but wouldn't give in to discouragement. His film plant got burnt off, yet, he resolved to start all over again. 

Besides his attitude to life - looking at the bright side of life at all times - Edison had an uncommon passion for hard work. Even after making several inventions, he remained as hardworking as ever or even more hardworking. Furthermore, Edison was a goal oriented individual, part of his goals was to come up with a major new invention every six months, and a minor invention every ten days. Any wonder that he had thousands of inventions? Another striking quality in this great man was his ability to manage success. His many achievements, breakthrough inventions and several awards/recognitions never got into his head. Only very few people can maintain this level of discipline.

 One valuable lesson here is this "There is no such thing as a failure- there are only unexpected outcomes which will provide valuable guidance for future works".... Brighten up your life

Thomas Edison: The Father of Inventions

Thomas Edison: The Father of Inventions

-           “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”  - Thomas Edison