Making the right choice of career has been identified as one of the most important decisions in life. This is so because, decision they say determines destiny; this is even more true as far as career choice is concerned. The career you choose now may dictate where you will spend the rest of your live. It may go a long way in determining your future happiness
or otherwise. Also, whether your life will be fulfilling or not has much to do with the choice you make. Your choice will either help or hinder you.

Inability to make a well informed career decision is a fundamental problem. For a lot of people finding a career that will give joy or satisfaction is a big task. Yes, there are many courses or career out there to choose from, but how do you know which one to choose. This is what I shall attempt to address in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. At the end of this piece you should have achieved the self-understanding and self-direction necessary for making informed career decision and so move towards the realization of your dreams and purpose for living.


To start with, what is career and what is its purpose? Career is a way of making a living, a profession or work which may require certain levels of learning or training. It is a life-long job, professional progress, a vocation or occupation that a person goes into and therein makes a living. 

You can for instance have a career in education, law, music, engineering, medicine, military, piloting and so on.

The purpose of any career simply, is to meet societal needs. This means that the various courses and professions available are designed to solve one problem or the other in the society. There are many needs around us waiting just to be met. Identifying those needs and meeting them may turn out to be a career for you. It is good to note that no career is good or bad in itself. What is important is the individual and what he/she can do with the chosen career.

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