Career in Linguistics

Career in Linguistics

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Can human society ever be sustained and developed in the absence of language? The answer is an obvious NO. Show me a person that does not use language orally, graphically, or symbolically and I will show you a dead person. But even the dead communicate.
This means language is an inevitable tool in the sustenance of human society in all its ramifications. If language is this important, then the study of it cannot be less in importance and so must be taken seriously.

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Graduates of linguistics are called linguists. Linguists are familiar with language in their widest sense, because they study the principles common to them all. Their knowledge of language can be summarized under three perspectives: historical, formal and functional.

Historically, linguists know the history, development, changes and factors influencing changes in a language or related languages. Formally, they are armed with linguistics skills of analyzing and defining structural properties (grammars) of human languages. With their knowledge of the grammar of a particular or set of languages, they are in the position to say what is grammatically correct or incorrect in those languages.

Academic Requirements for Studying Linguistics

To study linguistics in any Nigerian university, candidates must possess five credits to include English Language. With a good score in UTME and Post-UTME, candidates will be offered provisional admission. To gain admission through the direct entry, candidates are required to have Two ‘A’ level passes or NCE to include any Language, preferably an African Language. Duration of study in the university is four academic years.

Institutions offering Linguistics Nigeria

Nigerian universities offering this course are: IBADAN, UNN, JOS, MAIDUGURI (with options in Kanuri, French, Fulfulde English, Arabic), ABSU (as linguistics and communication studies), BENIN (as linguistics and African language), ILORIN, UNAD, IBADAN (with Yoruba), CALABAR (as linguistics and communication studies), UYO, LAGOS (with Igbo and Yoruba), EVAN (with Igbo), DELSU, KWASU, ABUAD, BSU, SOKOTO, AAUA, IGBINEDION, ABUJA, UNIOSUN.

Prospects in Linguistics

Linguistics is relevant to the economy of the country, meaning linguists are needed for employment in driving the economy. They work as lecturers in colleges, polytechnics, and universities. They are needed in embassy and they can work as language translators. Besides, linguists work in the media (radio, television and newspaper). In fact the list is inexhaustible.

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