1. Understand Yourself:
The fact that you are different and uniquely special is not in doubt; that is the reason you should know yourself well before you make any career choice, as what is good for your friend or anybody for that matter, may not necessarily be good for you.....

Self-knowledge is very important because it leads to self-discovery and self-discovery leads to self-actualization which ultimately leads to fulfillment in life and career. Who are you? What kind of personality do you have? What are your likes and dislikes? Do you love to work alone or in company of others? Do you prefer indoor jobs to outdoor ones? Do you cherish working for yourself or for others? Are you reserved or outgoing, naturally quiet or very outspoken? All these questions you must answer to determine your personality. This will help you take productive steps towards making a decision you won't regret.

  1. Analyze yourself and your situation: 
Carefully and honestly determine your intellectual and interactive strength and weakness. Find out what you are good at. Discover and develop your innate abilities i.e. your talents. To do this, ask yourself the following questions: what is it that you do so well? Where do you think you have an advantage over your colleagues? What do you enjoy doing with little or no encouragement? Your answer to these questions might be your talent. Perhaps you have many answers, what it means is that you have more than one talent i.e. you are multi-talented. Try to arrange the talents and abilities in order of priority to determine you best career. “If you recognize your talents, use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses those talents, you will rise to the top of your field”.

  1. Discover your Interest
Find out what career or type of job arrests your personal interest. Your interest is what you like to do, many people describe it as “what I would like to be in the future”. Sometimes it is your life’s goal and ambition. It is good to know what course or career interest you the most and begin to work towards it. Though people don’t always end up as what they truly desire; your case can be different as you match your talents with your interest and getting all the necessary information well ahead of time. This in turn prepares you and helps you in making timely decisions devoid of unnecessary wasting of time and energy.

  1. Understand your Options
Obtain as much information as you possibly can about the various career options that are available to you, particularly, those that arouse your interest. Things you need to find out include what the career is all about, requirement for the career, mode of training, duration of training, where the career is available, prospects of the career, challenges of the career, what the career entails, what it takes to successfully go into the career, the demand of the career on you and so on. For instance, if you choose to study medicine you should prepare to spend some nights every month in the hospital away from your family and the comfort of your home.

You can check the section on “Career” on this site to get more information you may need about your career of interest. For example, career in Business Administration, Career in Law, Career in Medicine, Career in Pharmacy and so on.

  1. Discuss
Discuss your career plan with your career guidance teacher or counselor. They are there to guide you and they sure know more than you do. They have been specially trained to help you make an informed decision about your career. Freely open up to them and you will be amazed at the level of assistance they can render to you.

Also, it is imperative to discuss with your parents or guardian. You can be sure of their love and support. Many of them have been where you are now and no doubt have some experiences you can learn from.

It is however your own duty to make your choice. “Listen to advice but make your own decision ultimately”. No one can truly know what works for you, so carry out your own research and make a choice based on your talents, interests and ability.

  1. Keep God in it
Without God, you have no career. The surest way of making the right choice not only in career but in life generally, is to seek the mind of your creator. He made you and He knows exactly what is best for you. This you can do by praying sincerely and waiting upon Him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths”. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye”. If you are a child of God, these are infallible promises you can count on. And, if you are not yet a child of God, the door is wide open to you now. Repent, confess your sins, forsake them and surrender your life fully to Jesus. Will you delay? Delay can be dangerous!

Image Credits: Design My Best Life
                       South Western Sydney Institute

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