Purpose Driven Living

Purpose Driven Living

Without purpose, success will ever remain a dream. Without a clearly defined purpose for any endeavor including a chosen career, defeat may be inevitable.
A life that has no purpose is a life that has no direction and a life without direction is worse than meaningless as it is destined for disaster. No purpose, no living!
These are simple facts but with eternal consequences.

In ‘Becoming the Purpose Driven Achiever’, we saw purpose driven living as having a “positive reason for living or doing something.” We defined it as having something good and worthwhile you stand for, a cause you are ready to pursue to conclusion. But that is not all.

More importantly, purpose driven living is discovering the reason for your existence, your God-given assignment and deciding to pursue same with all that you are and with all that you have. You must discover your reason for living. Your vision or dream of what you want your life to be is the foundation of a fulfilling, rewarding life.

Also, you need to recognize your gifts, talents and begin to develop them for your own good and of others. When your talents jam with your purpose, dream or vision, you are bound to break forth. Mike Murdock’s counsel comes in handy here, “identify the problem God created you to solve; therein lies your breakthrough (greatness)”.

How to discover your purpose for living

7Ps of Purpose Driven Living
3Ds of Purpose Driven Living

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emmanuel, this is a lovely post. I believe purpose is discovered not created, it is what you have been designed to accomplish, what you have been equipped to do. Thanks for the post


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