Meaning of Examination Malpractice


Examination malpractice is any deliberate act aimed at placing a candidate or a group of candidates at an unfair advantage contrary to official examination rules. It is any form of
illegal or unauthourized assistance given to a student or a group of students, before, during or after an examination. It is “an action or inaction by students, teachers, school heads, examination invigilators/supervisors and officials of examination bodies that lead to a
student having an unmerited result.”

Examination malpractice is referred to as “all forms of cheating which directly or indirectly falsify the ability of the student(s)” (Uniport). These include “…cheating within an examination hall, outside examination hall, and any involvement in all examination related offences”.

The TIDE puts it this way,  "examination malpractice is an illegal behaviour by candidate before, during or after the examination with a view to attaining success easily and cheaply. In other words, it is a short-cut to attain success. It is a canker-worm that portends grave dangers for the nation".

From the foregoing, examination malpractices take different forms and includes: impersonation, dictation during examination, illegal candidature, giraffing, writing answers on the board, electronics assistance using handsets or pagers or any other electronic devise, copying of another candidate’s work with or without permission, exchange of answer booklets or question papers, inadequate spacing of candidates in examination hall, buying and or selling of examination question papers prior to the examination, slack supervision, bribing of invigilators or examination official before, during or after examination, leakage of examination questions, and any other misconduct in examination or to the invigilators.

Image Credit: Obehi Okoawo's blog

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