Life is full of challenges. No matter who you are, you sure will have your fair share. Edison was not spared either
. He had more than enough challenges to knock him out of the way to success. What saw him through was courage.

It is pretty hard not to give up after a thousand times of failed experiments. It is most difficult not to quit when all you have got is on fire; starting life anew or all over again calls for a great deal of courage. Edison went on courageously, his numerous challenges notwithstanding, thereby writing his name in gold on the sand of history.

Being courageous does not suggest absence of problems, difficulties or fear; contrariwise, it is simply having a firm resolve to forge ahead no matter what is happening or not happening. Ambrose Redmon captures it this way, “courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than one’s fear.” 

The aphorism “winners never quit,” has its root in courage. If you must win, you must not quit, and if you will not quit, then you must be courageous. For he who fights and runs, lives to fight another day.

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