1. Diligence
There is no short cut to good and enduring success; you must pay the full price in the currency of hardwork. This is telling us that the road to true greatness or outstanding achievement is that of hardwork. Actually, this is the summary of the '7P's. They are meant to prepare and propel you to work, work harder, work smarter, work right and in short to give your very best. There is absolutely no reason not to give your best in anything you do, particularly in the pursuit of your dream or life’s goals as whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. This is what diligence is all about. It is applying the best of your strength and intelligence in whatever you do.

Diligence helps you to actualize your abilities, discover more potential in yourself and puts you on the track to greatness. The more diligent you are, the more you will discover about what you can do. Do not be afraid of doing too much, else, you will always do too little.

What you see as difficulties are most times opportunities disguised as work. “If you give your best you cannot lose”.  The stories of great heroes revealed that they were ordinary men and women with extra diligence added to their purpose for living. For example, Florence Nightingale, we read would work for twenty four hours at a stretch. Thomas Edison slept for only four hours per day. Many times he would stay awake with his experiments for forty-eight hours or even seventy-two hours especially when the experiments were near completion. Hard work does not kill but laziness does.

“While the rest of the worlds are sitting on their couch….achievers are working on their goals – achieving their dreams.”  - Chris Widener.

  1. Discipline

“He who lives without discipline dies without honour”. We look at discipline here as the ability to do what is right, when it is right. Ability not to do what is wrong – what is inimical to your dreams and purpose for living.  Discipline helps to avoid procrastination – the greatest self-made enemy to success. It assists you to follow your plans, pursue your goals and keep to your principles. Self-discipline is the road to purpose driven living.

Areas where you need to discipline yourself among others include, oversleeping, laziness or idleness, addiction to television, attendance to frivolous entertainments and the likes, yielding to pressure to do what is wrong, flocking around bad friends, etc. The number of hours spent watching television, or attending to unprofitable venture, if you will limit this and invest same on your studies, your achievement would be a big surprise even to yourself.

  1. Determination
There is a crucial link between lasting success and determination. Determination works alongside diligence and self-discipline in bringing your dreams to reality. It is determination that keeps you focused and committed to your goals. Self-discipline will not be that easy, it takes resolute determination. Without determination, you will find yourself giving up too soon.

Determination has much to do with the will power. It is true that wherever there is a will there will be a way. Meaning with determination you can achieve the purpose driven life and climb to the heights of your dreams. Make up your mind now that you are going to live an uncommon life; that you are going to be different. Decide now that you will distinguish yourself and be noted for excellence. Draw the work plan to achieving your dreams. Determine to give all it takes by way of hard work and self-discipline and you will soon be celebrated.

In conclusion, do not be afraid of challenges or seeming obstacles. With the ‘7’ Ps, discipline, diligence and determination you can surmount any mountain. You might have failed before, that does not make you a failure, only that you have been offered a new opportunity to begin more intelligently. Work harder, learn from you mistake(s) and forge ahead. “Those who rise up and become success in life view challenges merely as inconveniences and not as problems" 

7ps of Purpose Driven living

Effective Communication Skills, Interview Secrets and Ignited Career

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