Irrespective of your background or present circumstances, becoming a great achiever and making excellent accomplishment is a possibility.  To you, this may sound too good to be true;
but, the truth is that most of the world’s greatest achievers were ordinary men and women like any other human. What made them different is that they had something they lived for with intense determination. That thing is their PURPOSE; simply put, they were purpose driven. Talent is good and very important but without purpose, talent will be wasted. What then does it mean to be purpose driven?

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To be purpose driven is to have a positive reason for living or doing something. It means having something you stand for, a cause you are ready to pursue to conclusion. It is discovering the reason for your existence, your God-given assignment and deciding to pursue it with all that you are and with all that you have.

It is needless to mention that purpose driven living is the secret of fulfillment and greatness in life. This goes beyond just succeeding, the true achiever is one whose success leaves a positive legacy behind, i.e. it out-lives him.  His success affects others around him and even generations to come. That is an enduring or lasting success. Ben Carson, a popular and highly successful neurosurgeon, in his popular book, "Think Big" said “as far as I am concerned, money and what it buys are insignificant. Achievers are going to have these things anyway. What is important – what I consider success – is that we make contribution to our world.”

Purpose driven living has its roots in vision. Show me a man who has a vision, a dream and is vigorously committed to pursuing it, and I will show you someone who has a purpose for living. This is because vision gives you direction. A man with vision goes farther in life than a man with only talents. Talent can take you to certain level, but your passion and motivation for your vision will take you all the way. Your actualization, joy and fulfillment are hidden in the discovery and he pursuit of your vision.Only your dreams and vision will give you the permission to be the true person you were meant to be”. 

Purpose driven achievers are known for their focus, determination, decisiveness, persistence and commitment to the pursuit of their dreams and vision.You can stop many people, but it is very difficult to stop a visionary. Even the obstacles that are meant to stop him, he sees as necessary steps to reaching his goals”.

In the first place purpose driven achievers are visionary, in the second place, they pursue their vision with passion and finally their success does good in other people. How then, can one become a purpose driven achiever?

Here we shall be looking at the ‘7Ps’ and the ‘3Ds’ of purpose driven life.    
‘7PS’ OF PURPOSE DRIVEN LIVING                   Search by Categories:
                                                                                                                 Purpose Driven Living Making The Right Career Choice                                                                 Careers
                                                                                                                            Time Management
7Ps of Purpose Driven Living                                                                          Top Achievers

Dogged Determination

Effective Communication


  1. Hello Emmanuel, this is an interesting post. I will love to read the continuation as soon as possible. More ink in your pen!!

    1. Thank you my doc. You will sure see it. Thanks so much.


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