Relevance/Importance of Philosophy as a Course of Study

Relevance /Importance of Philosophy
Asking for the importance of philosophy is as good as asking for the importance of wisdom, as much of what is learnt in philosophy is relevant in virtually all fields of endeavours. This is because many of the methods are not only relevant but can be applied
for use in any field. Following are some of what one can gain in the study of philosophy:
  1. General problem solving: knowledge of philosophy helps in analyzing concepts, definitions, arguments and problems. It contributes to the ability to organize ideas and issues, to deal with questions of value, and to extract what is essential.
  2. Writing skills: Writing is taught in intensive manner in many philosophy courses. Argumentative writing, descriptive writing and so on, are all taught through philosophical concepts and courses. Also, originality is encouraged, and students are generally urged to use their imagination in developing their own ideas.
  3. Communication Skills: Philosophy helps in developing both communicative and expressive powers. It provides some of the basic tools of self-expression. It enhances the ability to explain difficult material, eliminating ambiguities and vagueness from one’s speech and writing.
  4. Persuasive Power: Philosophy helps in developing ability to be convincing. This is because it fosters formulation of clear ideas, encourages construction of good arguments and gives ability to provide apt examples.                                                                                                                  Training/Education in Philosophy 

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