Australia Awards Scholarships and Fellowships


Have you been searching for scholarships to fund your studies at Masters level or PhD in Agriculture? Do you have a good idea of how you will use the skills and knowledge gained through the award to benefit your present and future work and contribute to development priorities in your country? Are you an African? Then, Australia Awards may just be right for you.

Australia Awards are very prestigious and will sure transform your career life into an enviable one.

Sponsor: Government of Australia
Value: Fully funded scholarships/fellowships
Levels: Postgraduate studies
Where: Participating Australian Universities

Are you interested? Then find out more about the award on:

"Australia Awards, a cornerstone of
the Australian Government’s development assistance program for Africa, provide access to postgraduate education, training and professional development opportunities for suitably qualified Africans from eligible countries. On their return to the workplace, Australia Awards Alumni are expected to contribute actively to development in their home countries.

Award types include:

  • Australian Awards Scholarships, to undertake higher degree studies in Australia at Masters level.
  • Australia Awards - Africa Fellowships, to undertake short-term, targeted professional training courses, in Australia and/or in Africa, in a range of development-focused sectors.
Applications for 2014/15 are now open. Navigate to your home page for further information."

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